Thursday, January 29, 2015

Running Run-On

As you know, a lot of the time I write about some pretty heavy and spiritual things.

And I really love to. A lot.

But I also think I have to be honest about the full picture of the inner workings of my brain, and in the spirit of honesty...

Here are some thoughts I had while I was out running today.

1. Gosh, it's invigorating out here!
2. Wait, NO, scratch it all, I'm cold.
3. Pushing through, pushing through...
4. -insert song stuck in my head that happens to be the same rhythm as my running gait-
5. I'm gonna run a lap around this track and see if I don't drown in this melted snow puddle.
6. Nice, I won't have to do most of this run with wet shoes!
7. But a great way to clean them, amirite?
8. That guy has a FUBU jacket. Remember that brand?!
9. I wish I had my headphones right now, I sometimes really regret when I try to be noble and unplug.
10. Nevermind, this is great for spiritual thoughts and prayer.
11. -different song comes to mind that also works with my running gait-
12. Ugh. Darn it.
13. Does this guy think we're racing?
14. Go faster.
15. If I had headphones on I wouldn't be able to hear him catching up to me right now.
16. You are not racing, calm down.
17. This park always smells like fast food. What and where and why?
18. I don't hate this.
19. Don't run while you're hungry anymore. This is all about health here.
20. So many snowmen! People still do that?!
21. That's heartwarming.
22. Hey, there's the guy with the little dogs again. And his pink purse.
23. No judgments, my roommate says real men wear pink or something like that.
24. Wait a second! That guy that was racing me stopped and is walking now.
25. All of that for nothing.
26. Hey, there's the woman who lapped me yesterday.
27. She went off the beaten path and onto the snow! What a boss!
28. When I did that I looked like Rudolph gaining his ability to walk.
29. Someone was behind a bush filming me, weren't they.
30. Ugh, what if that went viral?!
31. Wait, I'm already embarrassed. I'm pre-embarrassed.
32. -oh look, another song that works with my running gait-
33. That snow pile had ice water at the bottom of it.
34. I can't feel the wetness through all of my layers though.
35. This guy's on the phone, don't look up.
36. He'll think you're eavesdropping.
37. Aw, this little kid was taken out here to play.
38. Poor guy. This isn't exactly a fun hang.
39. You're such a curmudgeon. He MIGHT be having fun.
40. Those snowmen had to get here somehow.
41. That reminds me of yesterday when those kids were sledding.
42. One of them yelled, "Narnia is here!"before he went down the hill or something.
43. I still don't know what that meant.
44. And also, WHERE?
45. I need to know more.
46. I want to stop running now.
47. Just keep stepping.
48. That guy just said hi to me, his girlfriend was laughing.
49. They're making fun of me or something.
50. Whatever, I said hi, at least they'll know I'm a nice weird person.
51. Okay, just lap this part a few more times, then get yourself home.
52. I'm just gonna go ahead and jump over that, I'm not sure what that is.
53. That squirrel is incredibly close to that man.
54. I don't trust squirrels, they're a little too comfortable.
56. These are the end times.
57. I think it's time to go home now.
58. What time is it, anyway?
59. Sprint this last home stretch. Do it for Jillian Michaels!
60. Yes! Done!
61. Ugh, not a perfectly even number on the stopwatch. Don't worry about it.
62. Walk it off, Champ. Walk it off. Time for some cool down.
63. Eh, forget it, just turn around.
64. That was awesome. Thank you, Lord!
65. I definitely beat that guy.

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