Saturday, July 20, 2013

On Being Free

The funny thing about blogs is that blogs are funny.

It's sort of like a club fair - visit each blog, see what they have to offer you, take the free samples, move on when you get bored.

Sometimes there's even the option of  putting your name on a mailing list just to get a free cookie.

Many emails later, you wonder if putting your name on that list was worth it. But you don't unsubscribe - in case there may be more free future cookies.

Well, the same is true for Christianity. And Christian blogs. And pseudo-Christian blogs. And self-worshipping spirituality blogs. And any other sort of lifestyle blog.

You can get lost in them before you even realize what happened. Hours have passed, and you begin to wonder what it is you just figuratively signed your brain up for. And depending on the type of blog it is, you may be left in a worse condition than you started.

Your brain on Twitter.

Things get mucky. Truth gets foggy. Insecurities are magnified, and Jesus is brushed to the side for a before-bed lullaby.

We get lost in a series of pictures, personalities, comments, and points of view that are consciously and unconsciously forming our perceptions of our own lives, the way we view the world around us. Our spirits are temporarily indulged and pleased - only for the moment, and potentially with a personal cost.

We can never be too careful about what we expose ourselves to.

The same is true for Facebook and other websites on the internet. By now it is no secret that these social networks are breeding grounds for comparison traps, feelings of inadequacy, failure, rejection and loneliness.

He's cuter than your sad feelings.

But we keep on inviting those bad feelings by logging on, opening up the browser.

This is not a post about giving up social networking sites, tumblrs, or blogs. Not at all. What kind of a hypocrite would I be if I told you to? The fact of the matter is, we don't have to give them up. They are a part of our culture, and they can ultimately be used for our good and overall well-being.

But my question to you is - are you willing to alter your approach to these forms of recreation?

Are you willing to unfriend, speak up, and place limitations if doing so would help keep your morality intact?

Are you willing to honestly ask yourself if the things you're viewing glorify God, the One who we are placed on this planet to live for and represent? And if the sites are for leisure, are we at least designating the same amount of time we spend online to spending time with the Lord (if not more)?

I'm writing about this because this is incredibly convicting for me. I think I, like many of you, probably have developed some sort of youth-centric-21st-century-ADD of some sort. Having grown up with technology, I know how hard it is for my generation especially to turn off the computer and x out the things that trigger us into spirals of negativity. It's like this force that compels us. We don't even know what it's like to sit quietly and read - or even if we want to, who has the discipline?

It kind of looks a lot like sin.

Big scary word, that one. It's practically taboo in our culture, but it is scary for a reason. Sin is damaging and totally life-ruining. Ask the family member of a drug addict, or the wife of a cheater. There's nothing funny about it.

Temptations dangle about, inviting us in. All we have to do is entertain it, eventually click the page of whatever that wrongful act may be, we enjoy it for a time (sometimes not even that) and suddenly feelings of worthlessness and failure abound. We don't have to allow this. 

God has promised us that 

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. 
And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.  
(1 Corinthians 10:13)

And because He has promised us this, He will give us the strength and wherewithal to get out of a sinful mindset. In order to do this though, we must draw upon this strength by asking God to come to our aid in prayer and reminding ourselves of the truth in God's Word that is stronger than the sinful behavior.

This is what Jesus himself did when He was tempted in the wilderness after fasting for forty days and forty nights, which can be looked at in full here.

In order to best offset these temptations, we need to do what Jesus did. Satan offered the Son of God himself everything physical this world has to offer, but Jesus knew the truth of God's word readily to strike down the lies of evil. And of course, the only way to do what Jesus did is to familiarize ourselves with Scripture for when the moments of weakness strike.

How are we to avoid getting lost in a frenzy of Christian or pseudo-Christian ideas? How are we to know how God wants us to live out our lives? By going to the Bible and seeing what God REALLY says, not what other minds shape shift the Bible into saying.

Better still is to make sure our bodies are not in situations where we are more likely to sin than others. Incredible pastor and thinker Charles Stanley always says that Christians should never make snap judgments when they are : 

                                                H - Hungry
                                                A-  Angry
                                                L - Lonely
                                                T - Tired

In other words, we are to H.A.L.T. Makes perfect sense when you think about it, don't you agree? I know when it comes to myself, my eyes are often bigger than my stomach, my emotions rage when I should have a forgiving and tender heart, my soul cries out when it should be seeking refuge in the only One who fully loves, and my mind plunges into negativity when I should be sleeping.


So, not exactly the best times to be making our decisions.

Let's just stop and think a little before we commit ourselves to our leisure activities - both on the internet and out there in the real world. Or if you're on Catfish the TV Show, your internet-real-world.

So, how are we to avoid sin? How are we to resist those terrible thoughts and influences that are just a click away? 

Don't play with fire - pray, familiarize ourselves with all of God's tremendous promises, and HALT.

Sounds good to me.

 After all, if God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

In the Quiet of Our Hearts

Its been said that we receive our best ideas at the most inconvenient times. For me, this is generally when I can't get back to sleep.

In fact, I take it a step further. I tend to actually start writing blog posts or essays or poetry... in my head. As I lay there. And I'm talking like, full-out, well-crafted writings (At least in my opinion - but what do I know, I'm half-conscious during these moments. We're all Einstein when it's irrelevant). But I don't get up and write them down, of course. I'm trying to sleep here, after all. So I draft. It feels incredibly productive in the moment.

Naturally, I wake up completely and totally frustrated with myself for not only losing zeal for what I thought up in my quasi-dreams, but impossibly, for not having actually written them down to document with some sort of magical brain-to-computer usb connection.

But I think what I'm actually frustrated with is my laziness. My general reluctance to act in my oh-so-very-important waking hours.

When we're in the thick of our days, doing the things we are obligated to do or feel like we "need" to do, it can be incredibly hard to also actively pursue things that would benefit us or magnify the Lord. These would perhaps take time, a stop in our motion - and sometimes, we just don't want to make time for that. We allow the currents, the momentum of our everyday lives have us whiz on by with nary a thought for the still, small voice of The Holy Spirit urging us to take a moment and listen. To give in to what He is telling us to do or pursue in His honor. 

What society has whittled down to the concept of a "guilty conscience", I believe is really just a Spirit-tugging.

Why do we make sure to go to the gym, but never follow-through with the mental note to read through the Holy Week gospel narratives side-by-side like we wanted to? Like we planned on doing?

Why, when our impulse is to rest, do we calculate all of the reasons why it is that we mustn't and thus tire ourselves out needlessly?

Why do we wait until we are laying wide awake in bed to realize we could have loved someone better that day, been more patient, or listened more carefully and thoughtfully?

Why do we so easily let our Lord get away from us?

I'm a fast walker. Oftentimes, it's because I enjoy it. I'm a small human by nature, so I get enjoyment out of darting in between folks on the street in a quick and rapid "catch-me-if-you-can!" sort of way. Yes, I am ridiculous.

But in my moments of fast walking, every once in a while I'll come to the realization that I'm rushing for absolutely, 100% no reason whatsoever. And it's hilarious and bizarre all at the same time. Here I am, nearly running to literally go somewhere and sit. Or even if I am going somewhere important, there are USUALLY no bears chasing me and the Olympic speed-walking is probably unnecessary.

Once the alarm clock sounds, we are a fast-paced people. Smell the roses? What ros...?

See? Couldn't even finish my sentence let alone smell a flower. I was too busy power-walking to the grocery store or scrolling rapidly through my Facebook.

It can be so terrifyingly easy to forget to take the time out to appreciate all that the Lord gives. And He does give. He gives and gives and then gives some more. Because He is gracious. It is in His nature to give good gifts to His children, both large and small, direct, and subtle. (Matthew 7:11)

He gives because He loves. So tremendously does He love. Have we ever really stopped to think about the implications of what it would mean to not spare your only Son for an entire people? To give Him over to excruciating physical pain as well as mental, emotional, and spiritual abuse and humiliation, all the while separating yourself from Him in order to accomplish your will?

No, chances are we haven't. Because it's really really hard to. Because it's not exactly a position we find ourselves in. But that doesn't mean we can't appreciate the magnitude of what this means in our lives.

God gave you life. Every moment that you walk about on this earth, you either encounter or potentially encounter things that will cause you to stumble into sin. Some sins grab a hold of you and refuse to let go, choking out your very vitality - while others mount up gradually in little dribs and drabs. Regardless of the sin itself, all sin separates us from God, who knows no sin. He is only Good.

Because of our mess-ups, we are not able to draw near to the One who is all Good; naturally, our ways offend Him. What do we do when we offend someone? We try to make it right. We give of ourselves in some way, whether it be our words or our time, in the attempt of righting our wrongs.

But what words or what deed could ever possibly be good enough to redeem ourselves with the Creator of the Universe - who is all that is Love, all that is Good, and all that is Right, and therefore created these things? Nothing. There has to be a death to something.

But are we going to give up our lives? No. He doesn't want that. Not physically, anyway. He loves us, and wants us to live and have our being in Him (Acts 17:28), and to live life abundantly (John 10:10).

But in order to receive that life, there needed to be some death. But who? Who could take our place FOR us? Could another human intercede for our sin against God?

No. But Jesus could. Because by the incredible power of God, Jesus, who is God-eternal, came to this earth as a man. And He was both fully God and fully man, in one of the most powerful divine mysteries there ever was.

This usually trips us up, but listen. What good would a mere human's death do if it weren't our own? If I hit my brother on the arm and my dad apologizes for me, I still did the bad thing. That doesn't change. And even if I did apologize, my natural tendency is that I am going to keep on sinning deliberately and even unintentionally. There would never be enough I could do to be holy in His sight. 

If there is going to be an effective intercessor, there needs to be the added level of Deity. Christ died on our behalf, bearing all of the justified wrath of God on His human body so that the Lord's anger could be satisfied (Isaiah 53:11), and His Deity enabled Him to be raised from the dead. In this miraculous act of history, death and sin were not only defeated, but conquered. And because not even the grave could keep our Lord and our Ultimate Sacrifice, neither will it be able to keep or enslave us.

Does that mean we stop sinning? No. We still live in a fallen world and we are still imperfect, and the time has not yet come for Satan and his demons to be cast into hell forever. But what it does mean is that when we do sin and confess that sin to the Father, "He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9) No longer are we slaves to sin. If we believe in what Christ has done for us and surrender to Him as our Lord and Savior, we have freedom.

While Jesus took our place in His physical death and bodily resurrection, we also die to sin spiritually and are made new creations in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:17) When we accept what Jesus has done on our behalf, we then spiritually identify with His death and resurrection as well. Of course, the Bible puts it in a way more clear and inspired than I ever could:

"Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Himknowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, is never to die again; death no longer is master over Him. For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus."
-Romans 6:8-11 (Emphasis mine)

And we do need new life in Him, friends. So very desperately. Take a good honest look at any given day in your life and note the gunk that accumulates in your own heart and mind. If you're being truthful, this should be enough to convince you. But if it isn't, I'd ask you also to consider the horrors that exist in the world we live in. Child abuse. Senseless murder. Suicide. War. Genocide. How can we look at these things and not see that evil exists and that we desperately, desperately need a Savior to restore the world and the individuals inhabiting it?

It's certainly a work-in-progress for me, but now when I'm tempted to ignore the Holy Spirit's voice, I try to listen. I seek out what His word is lovingly telling me. And I ask Him to HELP me listen, because I know I'm often too selfish to do it on my own.

I encourage us all to hear the voice of Jesus this Easter weekend, and for the rest of our precious lives. He is telling us such wonderful things through the Holy Spirit!

“But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you."
- John 16:13-15

He died so you don't have to toil and fight against sin each and every day. He came to give you freedom. He came to make you His own.

Be still. Appreciate. Take note. Give thanks. Quiet yourself before His throne. Take a seat at the foot of the cross and consider all that He has done for you, and how very much He loves you.

Friends, let's rest in His palm today. Let's receive unlimited grace in His strong and protective arms. 

Let's not wait until the day is done and we retire to our beds to encounter the Lord; let's stop and smell His roses right now.

God Bless You All.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Awakened By Grace

There is oftentimes an echo in the space in the corner of a nook in our heart that we feel reverberating in our spirit. The space in which we feel this echo of ache is usually a place neglected; seldom-visited at best, and a fond memory on days when the sun shines just right and the temperature is moderate. It is, undoubtedly, something that can be easily suppressed with the tiniest of effort on our part. But nevertheless, this echo, this whisper, it speaks to you - gently, softly, periodically. But it is always there. It may come about as we're walking, or standing, or working, but generally it is not found in times such as these. This internal call to our consciousness happens generally while we're in-between thoughts - wondering about a thing, perhaps ready to move on to the next, in a liminal space of thought and action, and then - tug tug. There it is. It is often a reminder, a harkening back to a passion once explored but since tucked away; a precious relationship left unresolved; a gift unenjoyed; a dream unattended to. But regardless of the means in which it is brought once more to our awareness, there is one thing we can always be sure of  - it is always guiding us back to, or deeper within, the Source of things, all gifts, all relationships, all wonder - our Abba Father.

Hello there, Old Friend. I acknowledge what You are showing me now. And I'm sorry for ignoring you before. Perhaps I wasn't ready. It would be silly to say that I've missed You, for we've been about one another's business many times each day - or rather, You have been about mine and I have cheerfully conceded. For You live inside of me, and You help me, comfort me, and instruct me in Your Word. But this time is different. This time You are reminding me of Your Power in new ways - taking your precious Light and guiding me somewhere - You are bouncing around inside of me in the kindest tenderness, pointing me to something I have allowed to be tucked gently away for a season. And I'm not sure why, but I'd like to thank You, as I feel as though you are guiding me towards something quite momentous. It could be momentous, perhaps, to the world's standards, sure; but also possibly only for me personally, for my heart, my worship, and my lifelong song to You. Which, of course, is far, far greater in worth and importance. But the reason for my awakening is not so important right now. I'll leave that up to You, for I can trust in your magnificent plans.

It is just important that I have been re-awakened to it. And for this, I thank You.


Hello, More Than Conquerers! It has been a while. Since we last spoke I have gone on quite a journey, as God often does take us on in order that we might grow and learn. I have been blessed - oh, how I have been so blessed - and I have hurt and bled and cried despairingly. I have seen the glimmer of hope that comes from a Savior resurrected and trickles down into all things as a result.

I have read articles. I have read books. I have tried, and I have failed.

But most important of all, I have finally begun to grasp Grace.

I have learned that it does not matter how long you have walked with the Lord, or what your past can offer you in the way of knowledge or intellectual understanding. It doesn't matter how many sermons you have or have not listened to. To understand the grace of what Jesus Christ has done for you personally, physically and radically, with your entire being and soul and spirit, is something no theologian or pastor can ever imprint on your person or cause you to comprehend. Because it is something that is of the Holy Spirit himself; working within you, causing you to process in the most digestible of increments such a marvelous and wonderful mystery - the most important mystery you could ever set out to comprehend in your entire life.

If you do not consider yourself a Christ follower, this may confuse you. But I hope - no, I pray - that it intrigues you to the point of discontented marvel and exploration.

Friend, it is a journey that will lead you all the way to heaven.

Because may I tell you something? You can find rest for your soul, even now. You can find Peace in Jesus that is unlike the world gives. You can walk in freedom. Finally! Finally!

And all you must do is confess your pain - the pain and muck and sin that you already live with every minute of every day and know all too well - and believe. Believe in the Lord Jesus, the son of God the Father, the Creator of all that you see and don't see, who loves you so passionately and personally that He sent His Son to this world as the ultimate sin offering for your pain and sickness. For your restless stumbling in the wrong path. For the chasm that existed because of it between you and your Creator.

 Christ died, yes - he shed his very blood - for you. And He loves you so much that He doesn't make you have to DO ANYTHING to receive all of the exceedingly abundant life that He offers. This is not an exclusive club meant for the holy, but an open invitation to any and all who will soften their hearts and receive the life He offers. He came for the outcasts; the lonely; the broken. He came for you, right where you're at, right now.

Jesus said, "I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst." (John 6:35)

You simply must believe in what He did for you -let His words change you as His Holy Spirit takes residence within you - and you will never hunger and thirst after what this world cannot offer you ever again. 

And all it requires is faith in Jesus, and a willing and contrite heart. Romans 10:9 says,

  "If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

Anyone - regardless of life situation, family history, status, or race can do that. He knows you. He always has. And He desires you to be His.

And when he died for you as the perfect sacrifice, being the perfect sinless man as well as the Almighty God, it was not a defeat by the forces of evil; quite the opposite. It is because he not only died, but rose again that He defeated the grip of sin and death - just as Scripture from ages and ages before He was even born into the world predicted He would. And because He defeated death itself, we can share in His victory. 

Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. "(John 10:10)

Oh hurting heart, will you let go? I don't care if you already consider yourself a Christian. I don't care if you're a frog, or a Muslim, or a Wiccan. This message is for all, and this message is necessary for all.

He is the only Way. He is the only Truth. And He is the only Life.

Dare to see what an incredible masterpiece He will create with your life. Listen to your heart echo. Accept the grace He so readily offers you, and refuse to ignore it any longer. Walking with Jesus will be the most loving, incredible journey you could ever embark on.

And the best part? It lasts forever.


There is so much more to be said that was only briefly touched upon here; so many volumes that could be written on grace and the freedom that the Lord gives. However, awakening ourselves to it is the very first start. I encourage you to look at the links on the side of my blog to truly cultivate and deepen your walk with Christ.

If you would like to know more about how you can be adopted as a son or daughter of our Heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ, please visit the wonderful link below! May God's grace and peace be yours, cherished one. You are so loved. Embrace Him, and be blessed in His Strong Care, always.