Saturday, March 9, 2013

Awakened By Grace

There is oftentimes an echo in the space in the corner of a nook in our heart that we feel reverberating in our spirit. The space in which we feel this echo of ache is usually a place neglected; seldom-visited at best, and a fond memory on days when the sun shines just right and the temperature is moderate. It is, undoubtedly, something that can be easily suppressed with the tiniest of effort on our part. But nevertheless, this echo, this whisper, it speaks to you - gently, softly, periodically. But it is always there. It may come about as we're walking, or standing, or working, but generally it is not found in times such as these. This internal call to our consciousness happens generally while we're in-between thoughts - wondering about a thing, perhaps ready to move on to the next, in a liminal space of thought and action, and then - tug tug. There it is. It is often a reminder, a harkening back to a passion once explored but since tucked away; a precious relationship left unresolved; a gift unenjoyed; a dream unattended to. But regardless of the means in which it is brought once more to our awareness, there is one thing we can always be sure of  - it is always guiding us back to, or deeper within, the Source of things, all gifts, all relationships, all wonder - our Abba Father.

Hello there, Old Friend. I acknowledge what You are showing me now. And I'm sorry for ignoring you before. Perhaps I wasn't ready. It would be silly to say that I've missed You, for we've been about one another's business many times each day - or rather, You have been about mine and I have cheerfully conceded. For You live inside of me, and You help me, comfort me, and instruct me in Your Word. But this time is different. This time You are reminding me of Your Power in new ways - taking your precious Light and guiding me somewhere - You are bouncing around inside of me in the kindest tenderness, pointing me to something I have allowed to be tucked gently away for a season. And I'm not sure why, but I'd like to thank You, as I feel as though you are guiding me towards something quite momentous. It could be momentous, perhaps, to the world's standards, sure; but also possibly only for me personally, for my heart, my worship, and my lifelong song to You. Which, of course, is far, far greater in worth and importance. But the reason for my awakening is not so important right now. I'll leave that up to You, for I can trust in your magnificent plans.

It is just important that I have been re-awakened to it. And for this, I thank You.


Hello, More Than Conquerers! It has been a while. Since we last spoke I have gone on quite a journey, as God often does take us on in order that we might grow and learn. I have been blessed - oh, how I have been so blessed - and I have hurt and bled and cried despairingly. I have seen the glimmer of hope that comes from a Savior resurrected and trickles down into all things as a result.

I have read articles. I have read books. I have tried, and I have failed.

But most important of all, I have finally begun to grasp Grace.

I have learned that it does not matter how long you have walked with the Lord, or what your past can offer you in the way of knowledge or intellectual understanding. It doesn't matter how many sermons you have or have not listened to. To understand the grace of what Jesus Christ has done for you personally, physically and radically, with your entire being and soul and spirit, is something no theologian or pastor can ever imprint on your person or cause you to comprehend. Because it is something that is of the Holy Spirit himself; working within you, causing you to process in the most digestible of increments such a marvelous and wonderful mystery - the most important mystery you could ever set out to comprehend in your entire life.

If you do not consider yourself a Christ follower, this may confuse you. But I hope - no, I pray - that it intrigues you to the point of discontented marvel and exploration.

Friend, it is a journey that will lead you all the way to heaven.

Because may I tell you something? You can find rest for your soul, even now. You can find Peace in Jesus that is unlike the world gives. You can walk in freedom. Finally! Finally!

And all you must do is confess your pain - the pain and muck and sin that you already live with every minute of every day and know all too well - and believe. Believe in the Lord Jesus, the son of God the Father, the Creator of all that you see and don't see, who loves you so passionately and personally that He sent His Son to this world as the ultimate sin offering for your pain and sickness. For your restless stumbling in the wrong path. For the chasm that existed because of it between you and your Creator.

 Christ died, yes - he shed his very blood - for you. And He loves you so much that He doesn't make you have to DO ANYTHING to receive all of the exceedingly abundant life that He offers. This is not an exclusive club meant for the holy, but an open invitation to any and all who will soften their hearts and receive the life He offers. He came for the outcasts; the lonely; the broken. He came for you, right where you're at, right now.

Jesus said, "I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst." (John 6:35)

You simply must believe in what He did for you -let His words change you as His Holy Spirit takes residence within you - and you will never hunger and thirst after what this world cannot offer you ever again. 

And all it requires is faith in Jesus, and a willing and contrite heart. Romans 10:9 says,

  "If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

Anyone - regardless of life situation, family history, status, or race can do that. He knows you. He always has. And He desires you to be His.

And when he died for you as the perfect sacrifice, being the perfect sinless man as well as the Almighty God, it was not a defeat by the forces of evil; quite the opposite. It is because he not only died, but rose again that He defeated the grip of sin and death - just as Scripture from ages and ages before He was even born into the world predicted He would. And because He defeated death itself, we can share in His victory. 

Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. "(John 10:10)

Oh hurting heart, will you let go? I don't care if you already consider yourself a Christian. I don't care if you're a frog, or a Muslim, or a Wiccan. This message is for all, and this message is necessary for all.

He is the only Way. He is the only Truth. And He is the only Life.

Dare to see what an incredible masterpiece He will create with your life. Listen to your heart echo. Accept the grace He so readily offers you, and refuse to ignore it any longer. Walking with Jesus will be the most loving, incredible journey you could ever embark on.

And the best part? It lasts forever.


There is so much more to be said that was only briefly touched upon here; so many volumes that could be written on grace and the freedom that the Lord gives. However, awakening ourselves to it is the very first start. I encourage you to look at the links on the side of my blog to truly cultivate and deepen your walk with Christ.

If you would like to know more about how you can be adopted as a son or daughter of our Heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ, please visit the wonderful link below! May God's grace and peace be yours, cherished one. You are so loved. Embrace Him, and be blessed in His Strong Care, always.

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